Whether you are a landlord cleaning up a rental property or simply a homeowner tackling a major cleanup project, dumpster rental is definitely a valuable service to have around. It is not always feasible to throw all of the trash into bags or barrels and haul it out to the curb for pickup or to the nearest waste management site. If dumpster rental is a service you are considering making a part of your project, it is likely that you have a few questions. Here are a few of those most common questions and the answers you want to know.

How long can you keep the dumpster that you rent?

In most cases, you will get the dumpster for a certain number of days, according to a contract agreement. Yet you will almost always have the option to extend the rental time if the project takes longer than you expect.

How will you be charged for the dumpster rental?

The dumpster rental company will either charge you a flat rate based on the time you need the dumpster or by the weight of what you have to throw away. If the company charges by weight, you should expect to pay a price per load for what you throw in the dumpster.

What are some of the materials that cannot be placed in the dumpster?

Every company and location will have its own set of guidelines about what can and cannot be placed in a dumpster. Some of the items that are most commonly prohibited in rental dumpsters include:

  • dead animals
  • paint
  • concrete
  • soil
  • old tires
  • hazardous chemicals
  • batteries

Will you have to be present when the dumpster is delivered?

As long as you have communicated to the dispatcher where the dumpster should be placed on your property, you will not have to be present when the receptacle is delivered. However, it is a good idea to be present to make sure the dumpster is properly placed before the driver leaves your property.

Once the dumpster is picked up, where does the trash go?

This will depend on your location, but in most cases the waste in the dumpster will be taken to a waste management service for sorting. The recyclable materials, such as wood and metal, will be removed and the rest will be disposed of according to the standards set by your state.

When you know some of the answers to the more common questions, it is easy to prepare yourself for working with a dumpster rental company like Parks & Sons of Sun City, Inc. No matter how large or small your residential project may be, it can be quite useful to have a large receptacle on site for trash.
